Donnerstag, 28. September 2017

First Middie Blythe introduction

I bought my first Middie in spring. I don´t know why but I fall in love with custom Blythes.I thought a Middie is enough for the first time and I didn´t realize the different eye mechanism. Oh yes, I like my Middie and it is a challenge to do a custom. There are very few, if any tutorials on the internet. All for Blythe but not for Middie. I read and watched all of them. It wasn´t very revealing. So I started my Middie Blythe Project without actual knowledge.

She is a Factory Middy Blythe. In other words a fake. I didn´t want to run a risk. Soon now I started with dismantling, cut the soft scalp and opened the head.

Maybe my experience can help you to do it better. It is the reason why I started that blog. I hope my English isn´t overly strange. So long and bye for now...